2. Expand Network Adapter and right click properties.
4. You can conform the change of mac Address using ipconfig /all from Command and check Hardware Address.
2. Expand Network Adapter and right click properties.
4. You can conform the change of mac Address using ipconfig /all from Command and check Hardware Address.
3. Create a new website by right clicking your DOMAINPC NAME
6.Check the port of your Development server by debugging your code at visual studio and in my case it is 2529 In reverse proxy window add localhost:2529 as Inbound rule.
7. Now your LAN users can access your development server as http://:82 or port no as you have setup in step 4.For WAN you can NAT (port forward ) your desired port to your PC IP.
This type of logs makes you hard to read the log by you can whe you are looking for information logged by ssh.
To strip off this logs you can simply edit /etc/pam.d/cron (using sudo since you need to root privileges) and comment out the line:
@include common-session
Here is How you reinstall it:
# sudo apt-get remove rsyslog
# sudo apt-get install rsyslog
This will reinstall your rsyslog and you can get the auth logs
auth.log can also be empty when log is rotated. No action is needed in this case.
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ; find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;
I got lots of queries from Fellow VPS server Administrators on using all of IPs provided by provider for browsing the internet and rotating the IP addresses for squid multiple outgoing ip
When squid server is configured by using following squid acls and tcp_outgoing_address directives we can use all of IPs that are assigned.Here is configuration of squid multiple outgoing IP address using tcp_outgoing_address
acl myip1 myip
acl myip2 myip
acl myip3 myip
tcp_outgoing_address myip1
tcp_outgoing_address myip2
tcp_outgoing_address myip3
Here I take - as your assigned IP
The acl lines tell squid to match myip which means if someone uses the IP as their proxy server they will match the acl ip1 and so on..
We can use squid as a reverse proxy for sharing a public IP with multiple server as well as web acceleration.
Below is the configuration of squid.conf for the purpose of having multiple domains in private IP and that is accessed from the same proxy
# External Port no for squid reverse proxy
http_port 8080 accel vhost
# directive to tell Squid the IP address of the servers are private ip address hosted inside the network
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver name=server1
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver name=server2
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver name=server3
acl sites_server1 dstdomain server1.domain.com
acl sites_server2 dstdomain server2.domain.com
acl sites_server3 dstdomain server3.domain.com
cache_peer_access server1 allow sites_server1
cache_peer_access server2 allow sites_server2
cache_peer_access server3 allow sites_server3
http_access allow sites_server1
http_access allow sites_server2
http_access allow sites_server3
Here 192.168.0.X are internal IPs and serverX.domain.com are web address that is routed to corresponding internal websites.
Thanks to :
If you need to be notified upon the IP address of the system it can be achieved through following Perl Script
At first a sendemail needs to be installed using :
sudo apt-get install sendemail (in Debian based Distros : Ubuntu )
sudo yum install sendemail (in Redhat Based Distros :Red Hat,Fedora, Cent OS)
Else you may use another MTAs too like sendmail or postfix that is available.
This IP change alert script alerts the admin if external IP address is changed
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#Anwesh Tiwari Oct 12 2011
use strict;
my $today=`date +%Y-%m-%d” “%r`;
#location of TEMP file
my $ip_last_check_file = “/home/tmp/IP-Address”;
my $ip_now = `curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.org`;
$ip_now =~ s/.*?(d+.d+.d+.d+).*/$1/s;
open(IP, “<$ip_last_check_file”) or die “Cannot open $ip_last_check_file: $!”;
my $ip_last_check = ;0
if ($ip_now ne $ip_last_check)
open(IP, “>$ip_last_check_file”) or die “Cannot open $ip_last_check: $!”;
print IP $ip_now;
#-s “SMTP address of your SMTP server instead” of “-s localhost” if you dont have ipaddress running.
my $output = `sendemail -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -s localhost -u IP-CHANGE-ALERT -m Gateway IP-address has changed to $ip_now.\\n Event Time :$today`;
Make sure that port 25 is not blocked by ISP
If you have tried to install SQL Server 2008 and cannot install, because of the errormessage the prerequistite “Restart the computer is required”.
But every time you restart computer and try to execute the setup of SQL Server 2008, you get the same message
Then you have change a registry entry in computer
This will solve the Restart Problem
Installing Vsftpd Virtual Users and Password in text file
vsftpd is a reliable , fast and stable FTP server Daemon. In this article we’ll install the server and make it a password text file for virtual users allowed to login.
1. Install following packages using
sudo apt-get install libpam-pwdfile vsftpd
2. Configure vsftpd (sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf)
Following variable need to be changed and leave others to default
local_root is user’s home directories in the machine
3. Manage PAM to check the passwd file for users (sudo nano /etc/pam.d/vsftpd)
auth required pam_pwdfile.so pwdfile /etc/ftpd.passwd
account required pam_permit.so
Remove other configuration from file
4. The passwd file containing the users is created
sudo htpasswd -c /etc/ftpd.passwd user1
Additional users to the file as below:
sudo htpasswd /etc/ftpd.passwd user2
5. Reload vsftpd
sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
6. User home directory should be created manually since vsftpd doesn’t do it automatically
sudo mkdir /var/www/user1
7.Appropriate Permissions need to be provided to that folder for user ftp for uploads
chown 775 ftp:ftp /var/www/user1